
Disney's "Black Princess"

The more I keep on writing these blogs then the more rude I get and meaner I become. And that's good for everybody because that's entertaining. Assuming you were smart enough to click the video above to watch, I will move on to my rant. Racism, prejudice, discrimination exists everywhere we turn. (I'm speaking from experience obviously). But what is the bottom line here? Is it because the princess happens to be black? Is it because her original name was Maddy? Is it because she ends up with a white prince? Or is it because people have no God damn sense sometimes. Yes she is black. And yes she was a chambermaid with the name Maddy. Some people got mad at Disney for "belittling" black people like that, so Disney changed it. Now her name is Tiana and she is still black.

So people were outraged that she was a black chambermaid in the movie. Hmm. Let's take a trip down memory lane for those who are suffering from Alzheimer's. Snow White (white) started out as a what? A chambermaid and turned into a princess at the end of the movie. Cinderella (white) started out as a what? A chambermaid and turned out as a princess at the end of the movie. For the life of me I cannot comprehend what people are really getting outraged about. And right this second, I could not care less. Anyways, here is a little clip of the upcoming movie titled "The Princess and the Frog"

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