
Teen Faces Child Porn Charges

A 14-year-old New Jersey girl is accused of child pornography after posting close to 30 explicit nude pictures of herself on MySpace.com. What the hell is wrong with f'n kids these days? Too much extacy in their system? Smoking some tainted weed? And listen to this! She posted the pictures because she wanted her boyfriend to see them. What .. the .. hell? Her boyfriend is that lame that she's not letting him play in her garden? Step your game up, pimp. Now she would have to register as a sex offender is she is convicted, all because she posted nude pics of HERSELF. This girl needs to be slapped upside her head for no damn sense


Drunken Negro Faces ... (This Post Has Strong Language)

When I heard this story first, as it was progressing, my jaw dropped to the floor. I was appalled at the blatant, in your face racism being displayed by the baker. "Drunken Negro Faces." You know he wanted to call them Nigger Cookies, so he should have just done that instead of trying to mask his racism. To make matters worse, he was defending the cookies claiming that they were a "work of art" and a "characterature" . They are a abomination and I find it reprehensible and deplorable. It's people like that, that are ruining the future of children. Affecting and poisoning their minds with racism. *Deep Sigh*

The part that got me the most, as hard as that is to believe because I hate this whole story, is the fact that he said black people did not have a problem with it. ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME?? ANY BLACK PERSON THAT WALKS INTO A BAKERY, AND THE BAKER ASKS THEM "DO YOU WANT A DRUNKEN NEGRO FACE COOKIE?" AND THAT BLACK PERSON IS NOT OFFENDED THEN I DO NOT KNOW WHAT THE HELL ELSE TO MAKE OF THIS LIFE.

It's shit like this that makes me mad. It's shit like this that makes me want to knock somebody the fuck out. It's shit like this that make me wish life was so much better. All I can do though, is be a victim. Be a victim to people's prejudices. Be a victim to people's racism. Be a victim every single day when I wake up from my sleep and step out into the world. Only because I know I am being looked at differently because of the color of my skin, because I'm a nigger in the eyes of many. Don't tell me different. If this baker can do something like this, many other people are capable of the same things if not worse. I have nothing else to say.


Teacher Makes 5 Year Old Eat From Garbage

When parents leave their children in the care of schools and daycare, they expect those adults to take care of their child properly. Meaning, they expect those adults to be the parents of these children when they are in school. I'm pretty sure no parent, in their right frame of mind, will or should approve of this story. The fact that in the story, some of the parents are trying to defend this woman and claim she is a beautiful person and this and that. Who the hell cares. She made a child, a 5 year old child, eat food out of the garbage. We all have this preconceived notion that garbage is where we throw away bad food, used napkins etc. How in the bloody hell could you say she is a nice person if she made a 5 year old child eat food from a thing like that? I'm fortunate .. or maybe unfortunate .. depends on how you look at it .. to not have children right now but I would be outraged if this happened to my child. And, I think I am even more outraged that most of the parents in this video clip is not as outraged as I am about this. If you cannot trust teachers to take care of your kids and treat them properly while they are at school, who the hell could you really trust with your children. Ugh.

The "Chinese Eyes" Epidemic

Okay. So I'm really wondering if this is the new trend now. Really? Chinese eyes? In case you do not know who this person is, and I have no idea until I read further into the story, this is apparently a Jonas Brother. Supposedly a big deal in music. I don't know or care about this persons name, I just know that he is a celebrity and it's big news. But that is not why I am reporting it. I have noticed a disturbing trend lately when it comes to celebrities/athletes pictures and them having the need to raise their fingers to their eyes and make "Chinese eyes".

First it was the Spanish Olympic basketball team posing in an add for the Olympics, which was hosted in China. Then, more recently, it was Miley Cyrus caught at a party making "Chinese eyes" for the camera. And now this. Now many people who have been outraged with these pictures recently, is claiming that all participants involved in these types of photos are being openly racist. Normally I would tend to argue the point until I am blue in the face. However, I tend to agree with that notion. What would possess a person, who is posing for a picture, to think "Hey, here's an idea. Let's all put our hands to our faces and make Chinese eyes. That should be fun." Umm. No. No. NO. You no funny. You're just making a mockery of yourself, a mockery of the Asian culture and admitting to the world that deep inside you are a racist. People do not try this. It's just not cool.